Monday, January 10, 2011


I tend to have difficult coming up with cutsie titles for all my posts, so forgive the boring start. Not much to report, but I felt the need to continue to post daily, so I don't fall off this wagon. I am feeling an odd mixture of contentment and restlessness; I'm happy, I'm full, the chocolate almond milk does wonders for my chocolate cravings without all the excessive sugar actual chocolate candy would give me.

No workout today. I spent the majority of the day planning out our homeschooling for the month of January. That has been a rollercoaster ride, to say the least. but, I have my own homeschooling blog to talk about that on, which I haven't updated since probably october.

Goal is yoga tomorrow. Jon and I were talking about stuff… we aren't sure if we want to sign the kids up for baseball/softball for spring/summer play, or if we want to hold out.. there's only so many things we can do. what if we prefer to put them in a kung fu class? there are several places we can look into. we are mostly drawn to Tyler KungFU and Fitness, we've looked into him before, he gives us a good vibe of no bullshitting classes, and he has a family package, so I can do kickboxing twice weekly and jon can do Kungfu as well. I also mentioned we could put Kathryn in swim team over the summer, which her nosy body expressed interest in as I was saying (no private conversations around here).

Anyway, not much else to report on the dieting/exercising front. Food: Good. Exercise: not today, must make myself do it tomorrow. I really would love to have the babies on a schedule of going to sleep the same time as the kiddos.

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