Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Fell off the wagon.

Well, the Elimination Diet wagon. Tired of the headaches, I made myself a cup of coffee last night. and It was A-mazing. (and the sad thing is, if I could have toughed it out about one more day, the headaches probably would have been done). but, I told myself, I had no intention of KEEPING off the coffee and the tea, so I didn't see the point of detoxing, LOL, so I am no longer "ED compliant". So, I've been looking around for another eating plan that I feel comfortable following, and I think I've found what I'm looking for. I got this link to the Diet Solution Program in my inbox from one of my many email groups; I've been eyeballing this for almost a month now. Yesterday, after lots of research, and looking into it, I actually found a link for a "$1 21-day trial" where I pay $1 now, I download everything, and use it for 21 days. if I don't like it, won't use it, or it doesn't work for me, I can cancel the order for the remainder payment. So far, I'm happy. I can have caffeine, minimal amounts of sweetener with honey or stevia if I'm brave enough to try that for the price; still no bread in the traditional sense, but I can try sprouted breads and see how that does for me. I've actually looked into sprouting my own wheat berries and making bread from that; its supposed to be way more healthy for you (sprouted) and we got a breadmaker for christmas from Jon's mom because we were talking about making our own bread anyway.

Another thing I'm currently looking into is Kefir. Jon and I looked into this months ago, but we never did anything about it. I'm now learning more about it. there are 2 types, milk and water, and the milk kefir is great for a yogurt substitute (and especially those so called "probiotic" yogurts) and can be used in smoothies, (which I'm looking into green smoothie recipes) can be used in place of sour cream, and I've even run across suggestions for cheese and ice cream recipes. Awesome.


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