Its the start of a new year, and a new promise to "lose weight". My baby is 7 months old; I can no longer use "I just had a baby" as an excuse to look this way. I plan to take it fairly slow, and not put too much stress and expectation on myself. I know if I eat clean, and I start working out/moving/exercising, I will feel better, and the excess will come off. I plan on following Dax Moy's Elimination Diet as closely as possible to level 2 (since I'm still breastfeeding, I won't be level 3). We will see how it goes. I'm anticipating headaches within the next 3 days, since its no caffeine. and I'm not one of those that believes caffeine is evil, so if I can't last 30 days without it, so be it. I will add my coffee and tea back in; I don't add sugar to them anyway.
I will also be following Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training workout. In fact, I'll be joining the Turbulence Training Transformation Contest to give myself some accountability. HOpefully, I'll be able to keep up with this blog and at least post daily my activity and my food, and weekly my stats. For the most part. I'm always ashamed to share my "before"; I always think "I'll share the before when there's an after". so we will see. I still need to get today's newspaper for today's pics anyway, and then measure and weigh and all that. I plan for yoga today, rest tomorrow, then Monday start in with the TT beginner workout. That will be for 4 weeks, 3x a week TT and 3x a week yoga, then after 4 weeks, go to one of the TT female bodyshape workouts. (I have a million of them. I bought them years ago, before my third child. back when I managed to lose 30 lbs).
Right now, my goal is 40 lbs. I hope to get this accomplished by my son's first birthday, which is May 26th. That gives me nearly 6 months to do it. PLENTY of time. I anticipate it being done sooner; the TT Transformation Contest is 12 weeks, so I think April 9th is the end date for that. My 6-week point in the contest is actually the day before my anniversary, so we will see how hot he thinks I am then ;)
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