Friday, May 9, 2008


And I'm so glad. Week 1 is under my belt; wait, can I say that, if its not Sunday, and I missed my first 2 days of a workout, and then got so sore from Wednesday's workout that I missed Thursdays workout and only stretched?? Oh well. I'm learning it doesn't have to be all or nothing, you do what you can do with what you have to do it with. I was sick, so I couldn't workout. I'm still really sore today, so I'm going to do my weekly house-scouring, hope that will loosen me up a bit, and try to do an "easy" cardio workout, and move my TT workout to tomorrow. See, flexible, right?

I made an accomplishment this week that I didn't think I was ever going to make. Ok, I don't want any flak for this, but I take sugar in my coffee. Its not a lot; but I absolutely refuse to do the fake sugar thing, and when I was "training" myself to not drink sweet tea (this was at least a year ago), I was also working on myself to not drink sugar in my coffee. But dang it, with no sugar in the coffee, it was too strong, or something, I don't know. So, the scoop that I have in my little sugar jar is like a teaspoon, and I put in maybe less than 1/4 of it. And that is in a 20 oz tumbler full of coffee. So I don't use A LOT of sugar, but its still there. I also put cream in my coffee. So, all week, my coffee has been too sweet, and I've had to tip some out, and add more coffee to sort of dilute the sugar. Then I had one of those AH-HA moments, and decided to try it without the sugar, to see if maybe the cream was sweet enough for me at this point. IT IS!! No more sugar in my coffee, thanks! Hey, isn't that a song? No sugar tonight in my coffee, no sugar tonight in my tea!! LOL

I have another goal I want to add to my list of goals from the beginning (I told you I'd be adding more). One thing that I REALLY want to glean from this journey is, not only the losing weight and the losing inches, and the looking better and the feeling better; I want this to become a habit. I don't want this to be IT. When my 12 weeks are up, I'm most likely not going to reach my ultimate goal. But, just for S&Gs, lets say I do. I made IT! I did IT! I'm THERE. I'm DONE. Now what? Just stop working out? Stop watching what I eat, because I am where I want to be? How silly is that? Wouldn't that put me right back where I started, eventually? Why would I work so hard to have a sleek, trim, hard little body, just to let it go to rot cause I MADE IT? I don't think so. So, I'm hoping that this 12 weeks of working out everyday, fitting it into my schedule, even if it is a little walk in the park while my son plays T-ball, or if it is a short workout DVD in the house on a few of those days; I want to be able to keep moving. I want this to be a habit I form, that I keep up with, and my kids notice, and think its part of a normal lifestyle to workout, to move, to do SOMETHING every day.

Ok, enough prattling on. I have work to do ;)


Marbella said...

Hey Amanda,
HI! So glad you are going so well. I do really so much better with eating an avocado. The higher fat does so much for my energy. Maybe it might for you too.
Have a good weekend.

Cynthia said...

Hi Amanda,

Glad to see that things are going so well. You are right, this is not a destination, it is for life.


Marbella said...

Just to wish you a good weekend. Also, did I mention to you that Margaret is having some problems, and wanted you to check out her blog if you want. It´s all there. Am so pleased that you are doing so strong. Keep it going.