Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The end.

Well, I figured out the reason for my funk. A lot of you were asking about me, and I really appreciate that, so I didn't want to leave you hanging on for another day, so I thought I would post real quick to say, this is the end of my journey. For now. I won't be moving forward from here for a while. I'm not giving up, I'm not quiting, I'm putting a pause on this particular road of my life. For now. I'm going to concentrate on staying active, and I'm going to certainly eat right and healthy, but I cannot diet any more and I will have to watch my activities. And I will tell you more tomorrow.


Cynthia said...

Hi Amanda,

I am sorry to see you "take a pause", but I respect that you must do what you must do. Perhaps the break will be the best thing for you mentally.

I hope we will see you back here soon. Take care.

Big higs,

Marbella said...

Hi Amanda,
Just wrote a long post and it got eaten up, so will email you with more. Will miss you here, and will keep my fingers crossed that all will go well. Youl might consider just blogging, eating well, taking care of just you, moving some, and maybe that will get it. Most of us do that anyway and just try to survive. Take care of YOU, and hurry back.