Sunday, August 31, 2008

Thanks for all the well wishes, guys, you all mean so much to me!

So, I will admit to having a bit of obsessiveness to my personality. I will decide on a topic, subject, project, craft, whatever you want to put in this box, if I decide I want to do it, learn it, learn about it, etc; I will obsess until I know just about everything there is to know about it. I can pretty much tell you anything you would want to know about weight loss, diet, nutrition, exercise, etc. Not that I was able to actually put it to good use ;)

So, my newest interest, shall we say, is cloth diapering (CDing). I have decided that we are going to cloth diaper this baby. There are several reasons why we came to this decision; cost being the main one; second one being that it takes well over 150 years for 1 disposable diaper to decompose, and it is estimated a baby will have used 1000 in a year, and they are expected to be in diapers the first 2.5-3.5 years of their lives.

No, I didn't cloth diaper my other 2; probably because it wasn't ever presented as an option. In fact, if it weren't for the internet today, I probably wouldn't attempt to do this one this way; I didn't even OWN a computer, much less get on the internet, until Kathryn was about 6 months old. Anyway, you have a baby; you buy your diapers at the store. That's it, that's all. You don't see cloth diapers in the stores now. They do sell the prefolds and the flat cloth, which I bought, but used as burp rags. They don't, however, sell the plastic pants for the babies anymore; the only size I see now are for toddlers, for potty training. Therefore, with Kathryn, and with Jonathan, I wouldn't have known about CDing unless someone aproached me, suggested it, and showed me my options. And let me tell you, you would be amazed at the options there are available today. They have come a long way from the flat and prefolds and plastic pants of our mothers and grandmothers. They have so many different diapers out there, and there are several websites out there dedicated simply for the terminology used in the CDing world. I could bore you with the details, but I suppose I wont, unless you ask nicely ;). Basically, there are tons of companies out there making the diapers, which all have different options as to convenience, fabric choice, etc. And, on top of these companies, the cloth diapering world is apparently the newest WAHM/SAHM (work/stay at home mom) craze. Therefore, there are TONS of "homemade" companies making these and selling these, as well.

So, anyway, I'm stressing out because of all these different options. Obviously, I want to be prepared for the baby when it comes. But I don't know what to get, what to use, what to do. What works for one, or so many, so well, may not work for others as well. Some people SWEAR by a certain method, while others complete trash it. Therefore, it is considered a "trial and error process". It is suggested to buy several different brands/styles, try them all out, and then decide which way is better for you before you make your big investment. The problem is, it is, to me, quite a chunk of change to just buy a "sampler". So, therein lies my dilema.

Anyway, that's my current "obsession", in case anyone was wondering what was going on in the world of Amanda ;)

yes, I have a baby name picked out. Yes, I will tell you, if you ask nicely ;)


Marbella said...

I love the idea of your CDing. I did that in Spain with my kiddos, as thee weren´t any other kinds here. Was easy, worked out well, and thought nothing of it. I did see that come what may, I usually always had 11 diapers hanging outside (no dryers either) each day. I think you are going to just love that!
And nicely, I ask...what is the name? I´ll guess first...Stephanie?

Margaret2007 said...

I did cloth for my first 3 children...With my 1st child, I was given 6 month diaper service that provided 120 diapers each week. Bob, my delivery guy, would arrive cheerily each Monday morning with a bag of fresh, bright white diapers and take the bag of poopy smelly ones away...It was WONDERFUL. I don't know why, but the service went out of business by the time my 4 was born...

Glad there are different plastic pants now, because the old kind would get crunchy with age!

OK, I gotta ask...what's HER name????
