Monday, August 11, 2008

Baby Blues

Ha ha. Not really. I do love that comic strip, though.

Seriously, this has been the easiest pregnancy I've ever had, and I can't even begin to explain the difference. People keep asking me what I think I'm having; you know, mother's instinct and all that. Well, considering I've already had a girl and a boy, and basing this pregnancy on those, I believe I'm having an alien. Or something to that effect. LOL. Pregnancy with Jonathan was hard; pregnancy with Kathryn was harder. Yeah, I'm tired a lot, and I have my days where I just don't feel like doing anything; but I didn't have any of the morning sickness. Yeah, I was nauseated, but I never once threw up; which, considering I LOST weight with my other 2, is a freaking miracle. I actually feel like doing stuff, too. Not much, but a little bit. I'm still working, which is more than I can say for the other 2. I'm actually going to start back up with my yoga this week; I have a yoga dvd and a pilates dvd that were geared especially for pregnant women.

As far as cravings go, so far its been very similar to Kathryn, in that I crave lots of fruit. For the most part, food doesn't appeal to me. I do believe this child wants me to be a vegetarian. What the hell do you eat, as a vegetarian, besides salad and fruit? I can feel it move now; its very active.

This pregnancy is going by so SLOW!! I wanted to know what it was the minute I found out I was pregnant. I feel like I can't do ANYTHING to prepare for this until I KNOW what it is!! And I'm not making guesses, so don't ask. I will not allow myself to hope, wish, or think it is one, just to be disappointed. That's ridiculous; you should not be disappointed.

I have a doc's appointment scheduled for next Friday, just a checkup, and she will listen to the heartbeat and guess what she thinks it is. I'm taking Kathryn with me; she's probably more excited about this baby than I am. All she wants to do is hold my sister's baby all the time; which, BTW, is the tiniest thing on the face of the planet you are allowed to go home from the hospital with. What cracks me up the most are the big, tough, strong men scared to hold the baby!! HA HA

So, Sept 11 is my sonogram to find out what I'm having. Of course, I will post updates then ;)


Marbella said...

So glad to hear from you and know that all goes well. Whatever you have will be just exactly what you are supposed to have and what the Stars have planned for you. Eat lots of greens. Am so into green smoothies and know how much good they do for bodies...and have fun. Good luck with the doctors appt.

Cynthia said...

Hi Amanda,

Glad to hear you are feeling well. That is so important!

Stay healthy.
