Sunday, August 24, 2008

So, I went to the doctor on Friday. I brought Kathryn with me; this was the visit she was going to listen to the heartbeat, and guess what she thought it was. I'm still torn as to what I think; I don't want to get my hopes up one way or the other; I kinda want a little girl, but I wouldn't be disappointed to have a boy. My sister just had a girl, so I can get my girl fix in ;). Anyway, before I went in, I was looking at my tracker; it says that I am 18 weeks (as of Thursday), so I was confused as to why my "19 week sonogram" was scheduled for another 3 weeks away. I had planned on asking them about that when I went into the office; the nurse caught it first, though, and changed it, so I go in on Tuesday for the sonogram!! Only 2 more days and I'll know what this little bit is!!

Anyway, back at the office, with the doctor; first of all, she couldn't get a read on the heartbeat, cause the baby wouldn't be still long enough; it kept moving. She finally got the monitor to read a heartbeat; 150. She said she wouldn't guess, lol. She says "140s, its a boy, 160s, its a girl; 150s, I don't guess". So, I don't have a clue yet, but I will know in TWO DAYS!!!


Marbella said...

Wow Amanda...that means it´s on for tomorrow. Will be back daily until you post. My view is that whatever you have is what you are supposed to have and in line with the stars. It´s a miracle either way. Can´t wait to hear.

Margaret2007 said...

I'll be back to what the baby will be too Amanda!!! How fun...Although all of mine were "surprises"....I'm sure Kathryn will be a superb "big sister!"....