I'm bored. I think I'm lonely. I keep calling my sister; she gets irritated with me when I call too early (her husband works second shift, so they are late sleepers, and night owls), so I've been sending her text messages "call me when you wake up". Not much to talk about, but I still call her ;). Like I said, I think I'm lonely. She's pregnant too; she's about to pop, too. She's due in like 2 weeks. I can not wait to see this baby girl. Its going to get my baby "want" flowing ;). We still haven't completely decided on a girl name yet; I think we are having such a hard time because my girl name was stolen about 6-7 years ago, and I just never came up with another one. We have narrowed it down to a list of about 10 or so, give or take, that we like, and we just have to find the combination that we like ;).
I have started a new hobby; knitting. I am already an avid crocheter, as I have posted my Eeyore blanket on here before, and I have tried the knitting thing before; it just didn't take. Mostly, because I am self taught, and I am not a visual learner, I'm a kinetic learner; so I can't look at the pictures and read the descriptions and figure out if I'm doing it right; also, I'm left handed, so I have to take all the instructions and do them backwards and upside down. I found a pattern, though, of a baby blanket that I REALLY REALLY like; here's a picture of it ...
I know its kind of hard to see, but the white part of the blanket has strategically placed holes to look like butterflies; and the border is a different color with solid butterflies. (I love butterflies, BTW). I loved this pattern, so I bought it, and decided I would try knitting again. Of course, this pattern is an intermediate pattern, and I was having a hard time trying to figure out what exactly all this stuff meant, and of course, turning it around and upside down for my left-handed status ;). Anyway, I have set it aside for more "beginner" patterns to get my skill level up; I still have about 6 months ;)
So, I am a member of a yahoo group for knitters, and as an incentive to myself, I signed up for an exchange, where in you are assigned a partner, and you make that partner something based on a list of their favorite colors, etc; this way, I would be forced to actually make something. Well, of course I got paired up with the most experienced lady on the group, so I am so nervous, lol, but I'm hoping the scarf I'm making her will not be too shabby ;). I'll post a pic of it when I'm done.
Anyway, knitting, to me, is prettier than crochet. There are 2 major stitches in knitting; the knit stitch, which is just the regular stitch, and the purl stitch, which is basically the backwards knit stitch. Then, you take these 2 stitches, and you make all kinds of crazy things with them!! To knit every row is called a garter stitch; to knit one row and purl the next row is called a stockinette stitch; you can knit 1 purl 1 all the way across the row and then repeat the next row for what is called the seed stitch; you can knit 2, purl 2 on one row, then purl 2, knit 2 on the next row to create ribbing; then, you can use another needle to pull some stitches off and skip, and then turn around and do them after doing the next one, and you create cabling. And don't even get me started on making holes, and stitching in the back loop instead of the front ;) Its really amazing the things that were thought up long ago, before television dulled everyone's senses ;)
Well, I guess that's all for now. I'm just rambling. Like I said, I'm bored. My next doctor's appointment is August 22; she said she would guess what she thinks it is by the heartbeat then. I think both me and my husband think its a girl. Oh, also, I have cervical dysplasia, so I have to go back in on the 27th to do a culposcopy, but they can't do a biopsy, obviously, because I'm pregnant. So how great is that? I might possibly have cancer.
AMANDA! Your blog just kills me. Was ok with you being lonely, as most of us basically are...we just live with it and like ourselves, and read with interest your knitting lesson. I can´t knit worth a darn, but would love too...then thought to myself how neat to have a GIRL, as that´s what I always wanted and didn´t/never will have. THEN, you popped in the last line. Am really have a heart attack. Don´t scare me this way. Do TELL ME when you know something. And don´t be lonely. Be busy. Be happy. Remember that you have beaucoup friends out there loving you.
Hi Amanda,
Don't even think the C word. Don't court trouble - and you don't want your baby developing in your womb with negative thougths & worry surrounding it.
Be joyous you are pregnant, and know that if your doctor really thought there was an issue to deal with they would talk to you about options.
Knit your way to some piece of mind!
BTW - can't wait to hear the names you are considering.
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