Thursday, June 19, 2008

Checking in again

Hiya! I've been meaning to check in here more often, but I've been sort of down lately, and I hate posting depressing stuff, cause I know people don't really want to read that. I was going to come on here this morning and check in by saying, still haven't found my cats, and last weekend my husband and I were lying in bed talking, and somehow came across the subject of twins, and apparently, he's been thinking the same thing too!! Of course, his way of thinking is "The only thing worse than her being pregnant is being pregnant with twins!" lol. So that's another time its been brought up. It was the first thing my dad said when I called him from the doctor's office with the confirmed test, I had a dream about it before I even knew I was pregnant, I keep thinking about it, like its already true, Kathryn brought it up all by herself, and now my husband admits to have been thinking about it lately. So, all I have to do, lol, is hang in there about another month before I go to the doc when she's going to listen to the heartbeat, and find out if there are 2, lol.

Also, good news, I found one of my cats today. I came home from taking the kids to vacation bible school, and I heard a cat hollering behind our backyard. (Our backyard adjoins 2 other backyards, but one of those is completely overgrown, practically a forest.) So, I go into the backyard, look over the fence, start calling the kitty, and there he is, my Smokey. Apparently, he's "gone wild" again, and has made himself at home in the forest. But, he was calling to me today, so I tried to get a hold of him. I climbed the fence, coaxed him to me and was bringing him back to the house. I couldn't climb the fence while holding on to him, so I set him in our yard to climb back over to grab him again when the dogs chased him all the way down the yard, back over the fence into the other neighbors yard. I was so mad about that, and I couldn't think of any other way to get him, so I figured I'd have to wait until someone else came home to help me get him. Then my dad suggested I climb over with a carrier to put him in, then use that to transport him back over the fence, so I tried that. I had to wait for it to quit raining this afternoon, then I went over there looking for him several times, and couldn't find him. I finally found him, but now he's running from me, and I spent about an hour climbing the fence back and forth between the 2 neighbors yards behind us, and I nearly hurt myself climbing back over the fence the last time. I had leaves and twigs stuck in my hair, and I was sopping wet by the time I gave up. I figure he's mad at me for the dogs chasing him, and I'm sure that everything being wet doesn't help, but I was pissed cause I just wanted to bring him into the house, and he was right there, and I couldn't get him. My husband is working a double tonight, so he won't even be home to help me, so I guess I'll have to wait one more day to bring my Smokey home. At least I know he's alive.


Margaret2007 said...

Gee whiz Amanda!!! It's like a mystery novel waiting to find out about "how many"....

Also, your cat "adventure" sounds a bit torturous...those kitties!!! my goodness...

Stay happy,

Marbella said...

Hi Amanda,
Just found your new blog and love seeing that you are well and busy with kitties. I have a wild kitty that sleeps in my garage, so I feed her there and know she´s warm when it´s cold out. Can´t get even 20 yards from her tho, but no matter. She´s well so far. Maybe your kitty wants food. Put some out by the fence where he´ll find it. Next time he´ll come closer...
Take care. Glad to hear from you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Amanda,

I hope you've managed to get your kitty back in. Sounds like he was making it very difficult for you.

My mother had twins before me and she said both she and her father had dreams that she was having twins and that they were boys, which was unusual because most everyone in the family had had girls up to that point. Unfortunately they were born prematurely and in those days they weren't able to save as many premmies as they are now, so I don't have two older brothers. But then I might not even be if they had survived :)